Tuskegee University, Tompkins Hall Project

The D.H. Griffin team was selected to partner with Tuskegee University and CD Moody Construction to preserve elements of the historic Tompkins Hall during a massive renovation. Built in the early 1900's, Tompkins Hall was the largest building constructed during Booker T. Washington's tenure at the University. As such, it was imperative that the selective demolition and abatement efforts preserve as much of the structure as possible. Demolition involved total gut of the inside of the building, removal of roof and dome structure, as well as the removal of all windows. The building had extensive shoring done to maintain the exterior walls for renovation. Tompkins hall is now a state of the art dining and student union facility. 


  • Abatement and total demolition of interior, roof and slab of the building, leaving all exterior walls for historic preservation.
  • Extensive shoring to accomplish project.

Tuskegee University/CD Moody Construction

April 2012 - Sept 2012